World of warships clan stats
World of warships clan stats

2.3 Season 3 - "Sleeping Giant" (30 June - 19 August 2018).2.2 Season 2 - "Islands of Ice" (9 February - 16 April 2018).I suppose the Clan Commander could enact a new rule that requires stats to be public. Possibly some "clan drama" that is difficult to verify? I see no reason for this info to be hidden and as said clan Officers in charge of clan rules need that info.īecause the alternative is a "claim" and "counter-claim" regarding a player's activity? I propose that WG allows this info (LBT) to show in the clan port member list even if that player has hidden stats. I know other clans have similar rules for activity. It makes it impossible for me to monitor and deal with the activity requirement. We have a handful of members as said with hidden stats and I have no way of knowing if they are complying with the clan rules about activity. I need access to that to monitor member activity and act accordingly when members stop playing for extended periods. We have a handful of members who hide their game stats and by doing this it also hides LBT from us in the port. We don't have a lot of requirements but playing the game is one of them otherwise the clan spot is wasted on an inactive person. In PVE we have a minimum requirement for activity.

world of warships clan stats

That info is LBT (Last Battle Time) or effectively when you last played (ie today, yesterday, 5 days ago, 50 days ago, etc.). If a player hides their stats (which is 100% ok with me - not complaining about that) it also hides important info we need to run our clans and enforce clan rules. You have been such a huge asset with helping the players and passing things up the chain since joining the WOWS team that I wanted to drop this in your ear. I am actually going to tag you on this though I try not to bother you guys.

world of warships clan stats

This really is something that should be done to help clan's monitor player activity and enforce clan rules for said activity.

World of warships clan stats